Even so, Hong Kong remains the primary clearing and pricing Centre for the renminbi exchange rate and fixed income products. 尽管如此,香港仍然是人民币汇率和固定收益产品的主要清算和定价中心。
Heavyweights such as central banks, sovereign wealth funds, insurers and pension funds have portfolios weighted towards fixed income. 各国央行、主权财富基金、保险公司和养老基金等重量级机构,都在其投资组合中纳入相当大权重的固定收益产品。
Today we have our global head of fixed income, currencies and commodities in London. 现在,我们的固定收益、汇率和大宗商品的全球主管就设在伦敦。
The banks are said to welcome the prospect of Reuters bringing more competition to the fixed income trading market. 据说,上述银行对路透社将给固定收益交易市场带来更多竞争表示欢迎。
Fixed income securities or bonds that are callable may be priced to their yield to call. 固定收益证券或债券,可赎回的价格可能调用的产量。
These vehicles invest in derivatives, supported by collateral invested in short-term fixed income instruments. 这些工具投资于衍生品,以投资于短期固定收益工具的抵押品作为支撑。
That leaves fixed income and exposure to renminbi appreciation. 此外还有固定收益和可受益于人民币升值的产品。
Capital note fixed income products issued by companies as a source of short term debt. 资本票据企业发行作为短期债务来源的定息工具。
Many a Hawaiian on fixed income has lost their home due to failure to pay the taxes. 有很多收入固定的夏威夷人于是就由于无法支付相关税费,而失去了家园。
Angus Hui, fund manager, Asian fixed income at Schroder Investment Management, says depreciation is unlikely. 施罗德投资(SchroderInvestmentManagement)亚洲固定收益基金经理AngusHui则表示,人民币不太可能贬值。
This has fed through to the fixed income market, leading to strong demand. 这已流入固定收益市场,引发了强劲的需求。
Given their voracious demand for secure fixed income, global investors would fund this at extremely low rates. 考虑到全球投资者对于安全固定收益证券的贪婪需求,他们会愿意以极低的利率购买这些债券。
At the time, both Lehman and bear were heavily dependent on us fixed income markets. 在那个时候,雷曼兄弟和贝尔斯登都严重依赖于美国固定收益市场。
The G7 bond markets, e.g.U.S., Japan, accounts for the major flows of the fixed income markets. 七大工业国的债券市场(G7bondmarkets),例如:美国的债券市场和,日本的债券市场,就占据了国际债券市场流通的主要部分。
These two concepts are very important for fixed income bond investors. 上述两个概念对债券投资者来说是非常重要的。
Rotated through Asset Liability Management, Derivatives Trading, and Fixed Income Investment Groups. 在资产负债管理、衍生产品交易和债券部门轮流实习。
The Holy Grail in this quest is ficc fixed income, currency and commodities trading. 在这一努力中,“圣杯”是ficc(固定收益、外汇和大宗商品交易)。
The number of retirees on a fixed income has increase rapidly in the past years. 在过去几年中,有固定收入的退休者迅速增多。
They are abandoning the middle ground of mainstream equity and fixed income funds, especially in the developed markets. 他们开始放弃中间选择:主流的股票基金和固定收益基金,尤其是在发达市场。
Fixed income funds invest in some combination of treasury bills, debentures, bonds, and mortgages. 固定收入基金投资一些国库券、府债券、业债券和抵押证券的组合。
Within fixed income, credit is the preferred asset class. 信用债是固定收益投资品中首选的资产类别。
These are all areas of fixed income that have already performed well this year. 这些全都属于今年业已表现不错的固定收益领域。
Regulations still exist that hamper liquidity, efficiency, and transparency of China's domestic fixed income market. 监管依然存在,对中国国内的固定收入市场的流动性、效率性以及透明度造成伤害。
Alternatively, investors can consider investing in fixed income unit trusts. 又或者,投资者可以考虑投资固定收入单位信托。
Steadily rising prices press most heavily on the poor and on old people with fixed income. 物价不断上涨使穷人和靠固定收入的老年人最为苦恼。
First, fixed income products such as renminbi-denominated bonds are easily accepted by the market. 首先,人民币计价债券等固定收益产品很容易被市场接受。
Goldman makes almost half its revenues from fixed income, currencies and commodity trading. 高盛近一半的营收来自固定收益、外汇和大宗商品交易。
Consultants expect some institutions to reallocate resources away from equities into fixed income trading, for example. 例如,顾问们预计,一些机构将把资源从股票交易重新配置到固定收益交易。
Analysts expected the tax on foreign flows into equities and fixed income instruments to have little lasting impact on Brazil's currency. 分析人士预期,对流入股票和固定收益工具的外资征税,不会对巴西货币造成多大的持久性影响。
This arrangement assures you of a fixed income. 这项安排保证你有固定的收入。